

this is the best cup noodle I've ever had and it came out of an end-of-episode skit from 呪術廻戦 (e17)

1) get some cup ramen seafood 味

the Nissin Cup Noodle シーフードヌードル is the most anime-accurate

2) chop chili flakes or just use 老干妈

sorry no pictures I got too excited

3) add (cold) milk about halfway

boiling milk messes with the lactose and makes it bitter, so better off just using at least lukewarm milk

4) add boiling water up to the marked line

this part isn't any different from regular cup noodles

5) wait


close enough?

unironically a really good cup of ramen; it's not gonna win any michelin stars but if I've gotta eat cup ramen at 4am then this is it. the milk adds that creamy consistency that goes really well with seafood soup, and chili just makes everything better. this cup ramen is also loaded with toppings - way more than most I've had (maybe on par with shin ramyeon)

there's a couple different kinds of seafood cup ramen you can use but based on a cursory google search nissin's cup noodle is the most common brand (and looks the most similar to the unbranded anime cup). I recommend staying away from the maruchan ones because the toppings are just だせぇ by comparison

please enjoy this great totally healthy midnight snack recipe that's sure to give you the energy boost you need :)